Last updated on 10 January, 2025
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Life Coaching Certification
Course description
Why Become a Coach?
The coaching profession is rapidly expanding and becoming more accessible across various fields. Becoming a coach isn't just about giving advice; it's about helping others overcome obstacles and grow. Coaching is a rewarding career that requires solid and structured training. Our online program, organized into 21 modules, provides you with all the necessary knowledge to become a professional coach. You'll learn how to conduct coaching sessions, build trusting relationships with your clients, and retain a loyal clientele. The training also offers specializations such as family coaching, relationship coaching, business coaching, health and wellness coaching, and personal development.
Guiding Others Toward Fulfillment
The primary goal of a coach is to support clients—whether individuals or companies—in achieving greater success and personal or collective well-being. The certification we offer ensures that you have acquired the necessary skills to practice this profession while adhering to international quality standards. The training covers all stages of coaching, from structuring sessions to managing your clients' specific objectives. With practical tools like scripts, questionnaires, and exercises, you'll be able to design effective interventions. Whether you wish to specialize in corporate coaching, personal development, or mentoring, our program provides you with all the keys to succeed.
For Whom and For What Purpose?
Our training program has already been completed by over 10,000 people from diverse backgrounds. Whether you are a healthcare professional, stay-at-home parent, educator, counselor, someone undergoing a career change, or a job seeker, our training adapts to all profiles. The modules can be followed at your own pace, whether you're employed or looking for a new professional direction. In addition to developing your personal skills, this training prepares you to practice the coaching profession professionally and confidently. Whether you want to work as an independent coach or within a company, you'll have all the skills to succeed.
A Profession That Transforms Lives
Coaching is a gratifying profession that allows you not only to help others but also to achieve personal fulfillment. With a growing demand for qualified coaches in all sectors, our training offers a unique opportunity at an accessible cost. Featuring complete flexibility in learning, no deadlines for taking the final exam, and the possibility to interact with a community of learners, this training adapts to your needs. Upon completion, you'll receive a recognized certification, allowing you to embark on this profession full-time or part-time according to your goals.
Course benefits
This course includes
Certified & Accredited Course
Study group access
21 audios
23 modules
Interactives quizzes
28 PDFs
Course syllabus
This module will be your first look into the world of professional coaching. It is about really understanding your role as a coach and why it is so valuable for people in various industries and in all walks of life.
We’re also going to go over some of the ways that you can set yourself up to achieve success in this field. As with any new endeavor, a lot of what it takes to become really good depends on your outlook and attitude going in.
Coaching is a process that will enable you to help yourself by doing good in the lives of other people. Essentially, the more you give, the more you will receive. However, even the best of intentions can still fall short if you do not have a plan for putting them into action.
There are also many misconceptions that hold a lot of coaches back from achieving real success, and we’re going to talk about some of them. That said, these are the specific things you will learn in this first module:
This module is about what it takes to forge an effective coaching relationship between you and the client. We’ve devoted an entire module to training you in the types of skills and strategies that will enable you to connect with the client very quickly in order to start building that relationship of trust, honesty, and mutual respect right away.
Part of this involves doing certain things to let the client know that your coaching space (whether in person, on the phone, or via some other type of medium) is a place of complete safety; it’s a place where they can open up without fear of being judged, criticized or labeled.
How successful you are in these beginning stages of the coaching process also depends greatly on how you choose to engage with the client. Of course, this involves setting the stage with powerful insights and questions, but a big part of it is also about knowing how to just sit back and observe, to receive the information presented to you with an open heart and mind.
In this module, you’re going to learn:
A lot of what determines your success will take place before the coaching sessions begin. The old saying, “Success happens when preparation meets opportunity,” sums up exactly what we mean.
This section is about putting in some of the “Groundwork” that must be done in order to get your coaching practice off the ground. Part of this is about creating a unique identity for your business that tells people right away why they should work with you as opposed to someone else.
Setting the stage for success also means you are doing the work to release any of your own internal conflicts that could potentially hold you back. This might require you to challenge many ideas you previously held to be true. You may have to learn to see yourself and the business of coaching in completely new ways. To become a really great coach entails discovering deeper truths about yourself and other people.
You must insist that your clients engage with you and themselves at this level of complete honesty. Otherwise, the work you do will be ineffective. Until people are truly ready to get brutally honest with themselves, the type of transformative change that we create as coaches cannot take place.
Here is what you’re going to learn in this module:
In this module, we’re going to cover what to do in your first coaching session with a client. You are going to discover why it’s probably much easier than you think to make this process work. A lot of times, promising coaches fail to see that they will get results with clients, as long as they continue to utilize the tools, techniques, and strategies they’ve learned in training.
But what we’re going to do in this section is walk you through the basics of getting your client started in the right direction by creating a vision, establishing an objective, and laying out some steps that will move them closer to their desired outcome.
This is about putting everything in place to give your client the very best odds for achieving success. You’re going to take what they imagine in their head and lay it out in a more tangible and achievable format; you’re going to take what they’ve only dreamed of, and change it into a very achievable possibility.
This is what you will be learning in this section:
In this module, we’re going to talk about different ways you can modify your client’s coaching program and, as a result, accelerate their ability to get what they want. In order to do this, you must observe what is occurring in the client’s life by looking at the results they’re getting, and from that, figure out whether learning certain skills might help them get what they want even faster.
At this point, you are also going to help your client to think of things they can do to bring both their outer world and inner desires into alignment. In other words, you’re going to create a plan they can use to maximize their environment for success. Our lives are integrated and interrelated with the lives of others. Everyone else is looking to satisfy their own needs, fulfill their own agenda, and basically take care of themselves.
Therefore, in order to have the best chance at achieving success, your client must learn to work with and around other people. This means the ideal thing to do would be to enlist their help and support in making their dreams a reality. That’s what you’re going to learn to help them do in this section.
This is what you’re going to learn in this module:
In this section, you’re going to learn some different coaching models that can assist you in helping your client identify their true desires, discover untapped resources, and come up with specific action steps that will move them closer to what they want. This is about working with a systematic strategy that facilitates the progression from one level of achievement to the next.
When you have a coaching model to work from, it gives you a structure that is virtually guaranteed to get results. All you have to do is insert details from the client’s life – their goals and objectives, their challenges, obstacles and environmental conditions – and the process will reveal to them the most logical thing to do next.
In this sixth module, you’re going to learn:
– A working model of the FUEL questions and structure.
– Sample GROW model questions to use with your clients.
– A Personal Brilliance Model assessment you can use to evaluate your strengths for using this system.
In this section, we’re going to explore the metaphoric nature of subconscious communication. The subconscious mind does not communicate in words or verbal language; those are attributes of the conscious mind. The subconscious expresses itself through images, feelings, metaphors, and analogies.
We know that virtually all problems exist at the subconscious level of the mind. It just doesn’t make sense for the client to consciously create and maintain challenges because then they wouldn’t really be challenges. The client would simply use their conscious intellect to resolve issues in the same way they made them up in the first place.
Because subconscious communication is metaphorical in nature, it means that oftentimes your client’s problems will be figurative representations of deeper issues. This means the presenting problem might not be the main problem, but merely something that symbolizes what’s going on in another area of your client’s life. In fact, the challenge your client is facing could simply be mirroring a circumstance or dynamic they saw someone else going through earlier in their life. This is where things can get very interesting and maybe even a bit strange, to say the least. However, working with metaphors is a very powerful way to facilitate effective and long-lasting change on the subconscious level. Here is what you’re going to learn in this module:
Now we’re going to get into some of the more advanced skill sets and interventions that can become very important parts of your coaching toolkit. These are the higher-level techniques that few professional coaches really understand or know how to utilize effectively.
Everything your client does is motivated by a positive intention on some level. In this section, we’re exploring a process that will enable you to find out what that intention is and to elevate your client’s focus, to fulfill his needs at a much higher level. This highly powerful technique will enable you to facilitate incredible changes in your client’s lives.
In this module, you’re going to learn:
Beliefs are what drive human behavior; they define what a person believes they can do, should do, and will do. Your client’s beliefs in a given area can be either their greatest asset or their biggest liability. That’s why, in this section, you’re going to learn how to very quickly transform your client’s limiting beliefs into beliefs that support their desires and goals.
As coaches, our ability to help other people is not limited to a formal setting with paying clients. There will be many times in your life when your coaching skills can be of great benefit to others – whether they know it or not. However, it is a slippery slope to offer your assistance when and where it is not asked for. So, in this module, we’re also going to cover some impromptu ways you can help others overcome challenges in their lives without being pushy, overbearing, or intrusive.
In order to be a really great coach, you must work at your craft and apply what you learn to real-life situations with other people. To do this, we need to find ways to circumvent the natural human tendency to procrastinate when taking on a new endeavor, so we will also cover a way you can eliminate some of your own internal barriers to pushing forward with your new skills as a coach.
In this module, you’re going to learn:
Some of the most important factors that affect your ability to be a great coach are your own attitude, mood, and state. Basically, what you are able to accomplish will greatly depend on which “you” you bring to the table. So, in this module, we’re going to explore some ways that you can really bring your very best self into your interactions with any client.
We’re also going to dive deep into the nature of relationships. As we’ve already discovered, a person’s relationships will have a huge impact on everything he does. One of the best ways to help people with relationship problems is to understand the nature of relationships, including the different levels of emotional development and the different approaches towards love that people rely on.
Here’s where you’re going to learn:
Leaders who want to get the most out of their teams often seek the help of a professional coach – someone who knows how to bring different personalities together and get groups of people cooperatively working toward a common goal.
In this module, therefore, we’re going to explore some of the foundational principles of leadership coaching. This is what you’re going to learn:
Even your average family could use a little bit of coaching from time to time. Just like any organization that brings people together toward a common goal, a good family will be one that is organized around principles that nurture and support the people involved. It is important that the family also exists for a purpose – one that the parents and children know and understand.
In this module, you’re going to learn:
All of us – you, me, and everyone we meet – have to become salespeople from time to time. It doesn’t matter if you were formerly employed as a salesperson or not. When we want others to consider our ideas, want to explain the value of a certain course of action to children, or are simply trying to get a better table when going out to eat, we all make at least an occasional attempt to convince other people to do what we want.
In business, however, sales is the driving force. That’s why sales coaches are so sought after for their expertise in today’s workplace. The sales process is simply another method of moving people from where they are to where you want them to be. Just like the many other methodologies we’ve covered in this course, there are several principles, fundamentals, and guidelines that make the sales process work.
In this module, you’re going to learn:
A wellness coach might be retained to help his clients achieve a number of different outcomes. This could include losing weight, eating better, managing time and activities more effectively, increasing productivity, exploring opportunities for recreation, achieving clarity, or any combination of services that serve to complete the client’s overall vision of health and wellness.
Here’s some of what we’ll be exploring in this module:
When people disrupt their body’s natural ability to restore itself and maintain stability, health and wellness coaches help bring them back into balance. This field is less about targeting one specific area of development and more about readjusting the client’s lifestyle to facilitate well-being throughout the system.
The result of your health and wellness coaching practice should be to elevate the individual to a higher plane of existence – to ignite within the client an internal sense of recognition that he is, in fact, someone who deserves to feel good, be happy, think clearly, and operate at peak physical levels of performance.
We offer a complete training course focused entirely on the art of health and wellness coaching. However, for our purposes here, we’re going to cover just enough of the main areas of this field to get you started in the market and give you the tools to work with clients right away.
Spiritual Coaching is yet another specialized field that is gaining ground in the hearts and minds of many people across the globe. People who seek a spiritual coach want to engage with reality on a higher plane; they want to connect with the universal mind and manifest miracles in their lives. Spiritual coaching has to do with helping your client receive guidance from an inner wisdom that knows more than the five senses can detect.
In this module, you are going to learn:
This module is about helping the client access parts of himself he may have forgotten about or doesn’t realize exist. One of the tenets of NLP is “People already have all the resources that they need,” and the underlying premise of that statement is what we will be exploring in this section.
Oftentimes, your client will have already exhibited a particular quality in the past that he needs to overcome in his present-day challenges. Your job will be to remind him of these abilities, to help him find ways to access those resources, and then to “map” them over to the area he needs help in.
Sometimes, however, a client will simply need to do more of something in order to realize he has the ability to succeed. In these cases, it can be useful to prescribe the problem as the answer; in other words, have your client fail more often in a short period of time in order for his mind to get the reference points it needs in order to know everything will be okay.
In this section, you’ll learn:
In this module, you’re going to learn about things you can do to make sure that the change your client wants will work in all areas of his life. This will involve getting other people to help your client succeed by showing him the benefits he is likely to gain as a result.
You are also going to learn a strategy for coaching people who have trouble with letting go of negative events from their past and are afraid to move on and allow themselves to be at peace with what happened.
Sometimes you will be hired by a client who wants to achieve certain goals, but you know that helping him to do so will eventually damage his self-esteem and lead him down a destructive path. What should you do in situations like this? We will explore that topic in this section as well.
In order to become a great coach, you must know when to push forward through your own internal barriers, and know what circumstances might make it okay for you to back off. Remember that a big part of this learning process involves mastering your own psychology and becoming the kind of person who can lead others from a place of being grounded yourself in an understanding of the deeper truths we’re exploring in this course.
Here’s what you’re going to learn in this module:
In this module, we’re going to discuss the importance of “state control” including what it is and how we use it to achieve the very best results possible with clients. As you already know, the state a person is in at any given moment will determine how well they can perform at whatever they’re doing.
Here’s what you’re going to learn in this section:
In this module, we’re going to talk about how you can uncover limiting beliefs that may be hiding inside of your client’s language about who they are and how their life works. In addition, we will cover a specific technique that will allow you to very quickly change your client’s perspective from one of limitation to one of choice.
We’re also going to talk a little bit more about strategies. First, you’ll learn a powerful way to interrupt your client’s problem strategy so they can no longer access it in the same way. Additionally, we will go over the process of creating a “Recovery Strategy” that will turn your client back in the direction of “true north” if they ever fall off course.
We will also talk about some of the ways people limit their behavioral flexibility by living their lives within the boundaries of outdated scripts and coping patterns. Lastly, we will go over a technique you can use to help your client discover the numerous choices available to them in any situation.
Here’s what you’ll learn specifically in this module:
Now we’re getting into the practical side of coaching as a business. The sad truth is, most people who aspire to make it big in this profession never do what it takes to really get their coaching practices off the ground even though they have been properly trained and have graduated with credentials.
One of the biggest reasons this happens is because people don’t think about the fact that running a successful coaching business requires a separate skill set. You can be really good at coaching yet have no idea about how to get your name in front of the right people.
Of course, we offer specialized training programs that dive really deep into the science of generating leads and converting prospects into paying clients. In this section, however, you’re going to get a crash course in some of what it takes to market yourself effectively.
In this module, you are going to learn:
Now we come to the end of this particular training program, and the beginning of your new journey into the world as a Professional Coach. You’ve learned a lot of things, and undoubtedly by now, you’ve also experienced some positive changes in your own life either as a result of utilizing the tools for yourself or from participating with other people in the practice sessions you’ve had by taking this course.
This final session will be a recap of what we’ve done and a look forward into possibilities for your future in coaching. Like any new adventure, you will be required to exhibit some courage, determination, and persistence in order to achieve the enormous rewards that await you down the path you’ve chosen.
In this final module, we’re going to cover:
Our certifications are internationally recognized
Our certificates are accredited by IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine), CMA (The Complementary Medical Association), and the CPD (Centre of Excellence), which means that they have been assessed and recognized internationally.
Institution Information
Meet your course creator
Art Life Coach Certification
Positive Psychology Certification
Life Coaching Certification
Spiritual Coach Certification
Relationship Coach Certification
At Efficient Coach, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your true potential through personalized, transformative coaching. By combining proven techniques with modern, data-driven methods, we tailor every step of your journey to your unique needs and aspirations. Our mission is to guide you in overcoming challenges, fostering personal growth, and achieving self-mastery. We believe in the power of self-reflection, curiosity, and continuous evolution, creating a supportive space where you can thrive and reach new heights.
06 March, 2025
William C.
Life Coach
Very Good
05 March, 2025
Mark S.
05 March, 2025
William C.
Very interesting
I am really enjoying the material. What I appreciate most is how I can do this on my own time, download the material and I can use it as a point of reference going forward.
04 March, 2025
Susan S.
Great content, could use some direct contact
I absolutely love the content of this course. As someone who has studied a psychology degree, I believe this course has a good summary of the content of psychology as well as new content to understand how to be an effective coach. I do wish there was a lecturer which would have online classes or could answer questions on content that I do not fully understand though.
03 March, 2025
Yaella R.
Very Informative
I am truly gaining a lot of knowledge from this course and excited to get started with my coaching experiences.
01 March, 2025
Chelsea S.
Excellent Information But...
I absolutely love the modules and how realistic they are for the learner, BUT I have a significant issue with the male-centered content. Module #10 of the Life Coach Certification stated, "Here’s one thing you should be clear on. In this program, we typically refer to clients in the generic masculine terminology. However, when it comes to dealing with these different types of people, know that none of these characteristics are necessarily gender-specific. Both men and women seek to fill their needs through similar methods at certain levels of development." I find this problematic because it adapts its programming to restrictive ideologies within Western thought while taking some of its principles from other diverse cultural philosophies that do not adhere to binary systems. This should be addressed.
27 February, 2025
Dr. A.M. M.
Good overview course. Enjoyed the course!
This is a good overview course with a good learning format. I learned quite a bit that will be helpful to take additional courses. I found the content of the course to be easy to comprehend and learn. I was successful with all of the quizzes and the final exam.
27 February, 2025
Kevin B.
good so far
Really enjoying everything so far!
27 February, 2025
Dominic D.
Nice and slowly introduction into practice
26 February, 2025
Ievgeniia N.
Enjoy exclusive bonuses with this course
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Frequently Asked Questions
Select the course of your choice and click on the "Add to cart" button. You can add as many courses as you like. Once you are in the shopping cart, you can confirm your payment. Ordering a paper certificate is also possible at this step. You are free to choose this option. Once the payment is made, you will receive a confirmation email for your order.
There is no deadline to complete a course or take the final exam. Once enrolled, you have lifetime acess to the courses. The majority of our courses are estimated to take around 40 hours. However, each student progresses at their own pace. Some courses activities may take more time than others, or you may need to review some concepts. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable with your learning.
Yes, absolutely. The student forum is available for this purpose. You can ask a question, and a trainer or other students can respond. We encourage you to ask your questions whenever you feel the need, so you don't get stuck in your learning. Please allow up to 48 hours to receive a response from a trainer, excluding weekends and public holidays. Feel free to also share your progress and victories with us!
You can send us a message by email at: [email protected] - you can also click on "Forgot Password?" in the login screen. However, we recommend noting down your logins as soon as you receive the registration confirmation email.
No, the entire course takes place online. There are no trips or workshops required. You study independently and at your own pace. You can download the course modules and audio files to listen to them wherever you are. If you have any questions, you can ask them on the forum.
Each course includes several modules. At the end of each module, a quiz is provided to assess your learning. The numerous practical activities also allow you to apply the knowledge you have gained. At the end of the course, you must take a final online exam in the form of a multiple-choice questionnaire to validate your training. A minimum score of 80% is required. If you do not achieve 80%, you can retake the exam at any time. However, we recommend reviewing the course beforehand.
There are no prerequisites or minimum educational level required. All our courses have been carefully designed to be accessible to as many people as possible. You can study from a computer, tablet, or smartphone. If your internet connection is unstable, we recommend downloading the PDF modules and audio files to access them offline whenever you want. However, you will need an internet connection to complete the quizzes and take the final exam.
You will receive a paper certificate if you ordered it during your registration. Otherwise, you can also order it later from your student portal under the "Certificates" section, or download it for free in PDF format.
The professions for which our courses prepare you are part of the unregulated occupations in most countries. This means there is no official recognition. However, local regulations may vary. We recommend that you inquire with the relevant authorities.
Life Coaching Certification