Tran N.
05 March, 2025
Review course
Milagros F.
05 March, 2025
Ana Rosa G.
03 March, 2025
Ikigai Life Coach
It´s been inspirational, with valuable tools and techniques. The PDFs are very clear. I understood the efficient aspects of Ikigai Life Coaching.
Umadevi G.
02 March, 2025
Good, but a lot to grasp.
A lot of concepts that could be better explained with diagrams and better structure
Ed G.
28 February, 2025
Riveting and life altering.
I’m a grief coach and this is invaluable for me to navigate the bereavers own grief journey by finding meaning in this loss and a new identity.
Ermina T.
28 February, 2025
Feeling Organized
I really love how the handouts really correlate with what each module is about. It gives me a more hands-on experience about the new strategies that can help myself create my pathway to my purpose of life. Therefore making me become aI really love how they handouts really correlate with what each module is about. It gives me a more hands-on experience about the new strategies that can help myself create my pathway to my purpose of life. Therefore making me become a coach that will help guide me on coachingmy future clients.
Manuel G.
27 February, 2025
I am impressed!
I thought this is a cheap course, where the basics of Ikigai is explained somehow, but this course is hitting everything on the spot! The concept is well explained and it is a full scale course not just to get an understanding of Ikigai, but also building up your business, acquiring clients and keeping them happy. This is a very good course.
Ermina T.
26 February, 2025
So far, listening to all the talk about accepting failures and successes, and being able to reflect on them and analyzing your journey to find your true Ikegai is very uplifting! Also, being able to share this with others and turn it into a business/coach is just amazing! I’ve been a teacher for many years and now I could probably teach the adults about finding true happiness within themselves. And what I like is is that you guy is not constant Because we evolve and we change and as we do so that’s when we need to be aware of what is happening to us inside and our surroundings. I love it!
Jerrel L.
25 February, 2025
Easy to follow and very insightful!
I am learning so much not just about Ikigai, but about myself and I am so excited to continue learning!
Ermina T.
25 February, 2025
The course so far has opened my eyes into my own personal journey of my Ikigai! I thought my purpose was to enlighten young minds, but now I know that it goes beyond that, which is now the minds of adults that are going through changes in life. The charts and the examples of professionals, are also uplifting and a great guidance to where I should take my knowledge to the next step. Thank you for opening my purpose, it is transforming right now!
Zinma O.
24 February, 2025
Could be better.
The questions are not straigh-forward; they read like trick questions! Also, I had trouble taking the course from my laptop, it was difficult to navigate. Had to switch to the phone. Otherwise, great course! Very comprehensive indeed! However, I would have loved to "interact" with actual coaches in video formats.
Pauline F.
23 February, 2025
I have really enjoyed working through the modules and found it to be informative, thought-provoking and great for setting my own goals
Ulf O.
22 February, 2025
Unlocking potential through Ikigai
Participating in the Ikigai coaching course has been a transformative journey for me, filled with insights that inspire personal growth and deeper connections with my clients. This course equips me with the tools and knowledge to guide others in discovering their true purpose and passions, fostering a sense of fulfillment in their lives. I am excited to apply these learnings, knowing that they will enhance my coaching practice and empower my clients to lead more meaningful lives.
Umadevi G.
21 February, 2025
Ikigai Life Coach
A roadmap of what is to be covered or an initial full-circle introduction (pre and post course) would've helped the participant a lot. The course introduces a lot of concepts, principles and tools but it gets overwhelming when you can't relate them to a specific stage/point in the overall course or coaching roadmap.
suzanne u.
21 February, 2025